Positive Journalling

Have you ever found you can’t sleep, perhaps because you have so many things going round in your mind. Maybe things to remember for the following day, things you need to say, or worries about things that have happened that day? The next time this happens try writing a list of what you need to do/say or are concerned about. You will probably find that as soon as what is out of your head, is onto paper, you can let the thoughts go, they are recorded, they don’t need to swirl around in your mind anymore. This is the basis of what journalling is, and it can be as simple or as involved as you would like, or need it to be. 

Many people find that writing a journal is a helpful way of making sense of what is happening in their lives and for putting worry’s and thoughts into perspective. 

But journalling needs a few guidelines for it to be beneficial. If it focuses too much on obsessing and thinking in isolation it can have the opposite effect, so to make sure that any journaling you do is helpful and serves you well there are a few things you may need to consider. 

Positive journalling when practiced, allows you to:- 

• Evaluate your thoughts and emotions from an objective standpoint. 

• Allows you to see other peoples perspectives in more balanced and empathic ways. It is helpful to bear in mind that other people’s behaviour often isn't down to something you have said or done, they could simply be having a bad day. Exploring this through journalling can make a big difference to relationships and also how you feel about yourself. 

• Ideas, plans and dreams for the future when written down instantly feel more tangible which means that the steps needed to reach those goals can be thought about, and in small manageable steps, implemented. Everything starts with a thought and a thought or idea written down instantly has more power and potential than one that is just floating around in your head! 

To make journalling positive and productive, start by writing down three positive qualities and strengths that you value in yourself. You could expand on this by writing down a couple more that you aspire to achieve. Everyone holds values and it is a good idea to pinpoint what yours are. Examples of these might be, to be honest, always striving to do your best, to be kind and thoughtful of others feelings, to stay true to yourself......the list could go on. 

Some things to keep in mind as you journal:- 

• Notice the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. 

• What is it that is preventing you from living according to your own values in any given situation. This is something to self-compassionately explore through your journalling. 

• When you have written about an issue or problem, consider what there is within it that you can learn and grow from. 

• Consider what you have written about from the outside perspective of a very good friend, what would he/she say to you about this? Reassure and write that kindly to yourself in your journal. 

• Think about the other person in your life story, what might they be thinking/feeling, why might they have behaved or spoken as they did? 

• If you always respond in the same way in certain situations, try using your journal to explore some different responses and consider the different outcomes that might come as a result of them. 

• If you have goals you would like to reach, use your journal to track the steps you need to take. Give yourself some written encouragement and understanding, again, just as you would if it was a good friend you were speaking to. 

• Life doesn’t always go smoothly and journalling can’t change that. It can help you though, to tolerate some uncertainty and also to raise your confidence enough to be able to deal and prepare for possible set backs and worst case scenarios. 

• But if you don’t do or implement anything else, do this:- 

Every day write three positive things that you liked or that you felt went well in your day. These can be as simple as someone unexpectedly acknowledging you or a meal that you enjoyed. This is positive journalling and it will help you to begin noticing and looking out for the good in your life that you might be currently missing. Doing this can completely change the way you think, see and experience life which is the best reason in the world for giving it a go?